Air Purifiers

Removing Pollutants to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Air Purifier Installation & Service

If your home is like the average home, it contains a lot of contaminants. Indoor air has as much as five times more than outdoor air, which is why ventilation inside the house is so important. An air purifier can help you make the air fresh and moving, keeping the old and stale air out. Many homes don’t have proper ventilation, which where an air purifier can help.


Denver Area Installation of Air Purifiers

ingletrack Electric & Heating is the Denver area of professional installers of air purifier systems. We provide a variety of solutions and options to improve your home's indoor air quality.

While portable air purifiers are available in home improvement stores and can be installed by plugging into an electrical outlet, a whole-home air purifier needs professional installation by an licensed HVAC company. These types of complete home air purifiers use either filter media or Ultraviolet lights. They often need direct plumbing connection and will in conjunction with your HVAC system.


Benefits of an Air Purification System

  • Air purifiers remove as much as ninety-nine percent of airborne bacteria
  • They remove foul odors from cooking, pets and tobacco
  • Combats airborne allergens released from pet dander.
  • Air purifiers trap dust to keep dust from building up
  • Air purifiers fight seasonal allergens making it easier to breathe
  • They stop germs that cause sickness like colds and flu from spreading